Tight Squeeze
The Steps at Canel Saint Martin
Near Notre Dame
Trying to catch it at the Eiffel Tower
Along the Seine
Hotel de Ville
The weather has finally become springlike here in Paris. Running errands and being out and about under sunshine has been a welcome reprieve from the grey ceiling of clouds and rain that can take over this city more often than you'd think. Perfect timing for this interesting art installation that has taken the city by storm. The Red Ball Project sent residents and tourists alike on a chase throughout the city to find out where this giant red rubber ball might end up next.
The brainchild of artist Kurt Pershke, the project is meant to be an interactive experience that takes the individual from observer to participant. People living in the cities on the world tour map have been able to make suggestions as to where the ball should be positioned throughout their town. The project then becomes one of "collective imagination". According to the artist,
"The larger arc of the project is how each city responds to the invitation and, over time, what the developing story reveals about our individual and cultural imagination"I followed it to a few of its installations here in Paris and at each location, people were completely engaged in participating by touching it, taking photos or just generating a party-like atmosphere.
It leaves Paris this Sunday after being displayed in the Luxembourg gardens ... that should be fun. If you are in town, certainly try to catch it. Here's some additional information to find out if it's coming to a city near you.
Project BoulerRouge from Kurt Perschke on Vimeo.