Monday, April 1, 2013

Nicolas Mathéus

As a photographer, I admire work by others that show me new ways of looking at things.  Studying a moment in time that has been captured through eyes other than my own, is a way for me to learn, grow and enhance my own art.

Nicolas Marthéus is someone's work I could study all day and never tire of his images.  I can't tell you how I cam across his website but am so glad I did.  He captures color, light, movement, texture and pattern in ways that leave the observer completely transported to that space or surrounding, pulling the observer in, wanting to stay forever.

Would you not love to end a day in this spot?

Or sit here and watch the sun dance on the water.

 Then there's his work with interiors.  Love this.

Capturing color is one of his strengths as well. 

Pattern and texture
And, then, there's his take on Paris!! Perfection.


1 comment:

  1. Was that Greece in the first photos?
    Now that I've taken on photography as a new hobby and maybe career I study various photographers too. Have you seen Leela Cyd? She's an amazing food, travel, portrait and lifestyle photographer. I'd love to take one of her workshops that she does in Italy. Oh so dreamy!
